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Why Upgrade to MS Dynamics NAV 2018

Do you have an older version of MS Dynamics NAV? Wondering what the fuss is about with the newest version of Dynamics NAV? In this article, we’ll give you a few reasons why you should make the jump and upgrade to MS Dynamics NAV 2018. Check out what’s new in NAV 2018 here.

Improved core functionality.

This is all about making things easier and more efficient and since the list is pretty large, I’ll only include some of the highlights. Who doesn’t want bulk order posting, invoice and credit memos, preconfigured Excel reports, improved check printing, and enhanced report previews. Couple this with improved user task management, workspace personalization, and customization, and you will have very happy users. You’ll be happy too with web client improvements and the addition of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Integration with Microsoft Business Applications.

Because Dynamics NAV 2018 now shares the same platform with other applications, you’ll get the benefit of Office 365, Power BI, MS Dynamics CRM, and MS Flow all working together. Users and administrators benefit alike from both functionality and reporting.

Dynamics NAV 2018 Readiness. Are you ready to upgrade? Thinking you’ll lose functionality and integrations? Let’s go through some common questions/statements we get from our clients.

  1. Will we lose all of our customizations if we upgrade to NAV 2018? Short answer is No. You never lose any of your customizations when you upgrade from one version to another.
  2. We are using a very old version of NAV. Our experts can upgrade any NAV version from 3.7 through to NAV 2017. If you’re using an older version than 3.7, we highly recommend a complete and new install. But, don’t worry. We will document any customizations you have prior and take a look at any existing processes because chances are, things have changed in your business.
  3. How long will it take for my users to get used to and actually using NAV 2018? This is the most common question we get. Our expert team of functional consultants will assist you in providing all training your users need to start successfully working with NAV 2018.
  4. Our database is huge; it just has too much data to upgrade. That’s okay, we understand and we’ve been there. Our proven processes help make the database upgrade smoother and faster so you can get your users working.

Dynamics NAV 2018 Upgrade Path

Depending on your NAV version, the upgrade can be a single or multi-step process.

Major Steps in the Upgrade Process

The main steps in the Upgrade process are:

Upgrade vs Reimplementation

In certain cases, a reimplementation may be a more cost effective and viable approach. Our experts can help you arrive at a decision.

NAV 2018 is poised to be a game-changer in the ERP market and the experts at Captivix are ready to help you on your success. Contact us today; we’ll be expecting you.

Rahul Maheshwary
Rahul Maheshwary

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