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Why the new Microsoft Dynamics AX (aka Rainer) is better than ever

Microsoft Dynamics AX is a top-tier ERP solution that we have been implementing for our customers. The new release of Microsoft Dynamics AX (AX 7) on March 9, 2016 brought numerous updates that put the ERP solution at the very top of the industry. Gartner Magic Quadrant (updated as of December 2015) indicated Dynamics AX in the visionary moving to leader category along with SAP. The mobile-first, cloud-first strategy makes Dynamics AX one of the top ERP systems.

The following are a few advantages of the new Dynamics AX:

Cloud-based Infrastructure

As innovative Microsoft partners and ERP solutions consultants, we have utilized cloud infrastructure to host Dynamics AX to save our clients the headache of maintaining physical servers. Hosting previous versions of AX on the cloud was not a very straightforward task. With the new release, Microsoft took that challenge away. The new AX is available on public and private clouds (Azure, Microsoft’s cloud service). This lowers the total cost of ERP ownership, which is especially advantageous to small and midsized businesses. So there is no need to worry about disaster recovery, the unavailability of the ERP system caused by server issues, buying expensive servers and infrastructure, or maintaining security. Azure does it all for you at a much lower cost. 

User Experience

With the mobile first approach, the new AX is one of the very few ERP solutions that offers mobile and web browser access. The HTML5 user experience makes it very easy to access it from anywhere, anytime. With the new fully web-based user interface, the user experience will remain consistent regardless of the browser, operating system, and device you are using. It resolves compatibility issues that many on-premise ERP systems face. The web-based user interface feels more dynamic and intuitive. 

Training Made Easy

The new task recorder functionality allows trainers to record each business process and create step-by-step guidelines for appropriate business users. Instead of referencing training manuals, business users can play the training, and the system will automatically navigate users through the sequence of steps with visual indicators. This makes the overall training exercise and user adoption very easy.

Integration with Business Intelligence (Power BI), CRM, and office productivity suites

Integration with Microsoft Power BI and Cortona Analytics allows you to pin analytic dashboards, designed in Power BI, right into your work spaces. The new system easily integrates with Office 365, Sharepoint, and Microsoft CRM. Such improvements are important for overall data engagement and strategy.

Lifecycle Services (LCS)

Lifecycle Services (LCS) is an application that helps you manage your ERP-AX implementation from start to finish. The new LCS is a fully cloud-based and integral part of the AX 7 deployment and consumption experience and plays a key role at every step of the implementation process, from discovery to go-live support. Utilizing the new LCS will make implementation much more streamlined.

Subscription Licensing

Although we are still waiting for more information regarding subscription licensing, Microsoft has indicated the availability of subscription-based licensing. This new subscription license will enable your company to buy or cancel additional licenses according to your variable needs.

Rahul Maheshwary
Rahul Maheshwary

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