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Why Mobile Application is better for ERP

You’ve invested significant resources in an ERP application that connects your people. There’s just one problem – they aren’t using it.

Why? Because your ERP system does not have a mobile application.

Over 90% of people aged 18-49 and 95% of people who make more than $75,000 annually own and rely on a smartphone. Over $207 billion in mobile commerce occurred in 2018, increasing to $338 billion in 2019, representing over 165 million US mobile shoppers. Mobile is here to stay, whether you’re a buyer or a seller.

Today, business is done wherever people meet, not just behind a desk and four walls. Even the best ERP application investment will fail unless people use it. That’s why mobile applications are quickly becoming a business necessity.

ERP Mobile Application Benefits

Mobile ERP is convenient.

When your employees won’t use new technology, it may be due to a cultural issue. They may not like change, don’t understand how to use the new system, or depend on old processes to get their work done. Alternatively, your data may be hidden in an outdated database or locked in an ERP system that no one can access after 5 pm or beyond the doors of your office.

As our society embraces flexible workplaces, your systems must respond to where people live and work, not where your systems are located. Whether it’s a local Starbucks, a home office, a remote subsidiary, or a client location, an ERP system is a convenient, 24/7 application that’s available anywhere people conduct business.

Mobile ERP systems cut down on paper, resulting in less data entry, fewer forms, and less money invested in filing cabinets to store business documents. Your team will also spend less time on the phone, in chat boxes, or emails as they chase down information that should be captured at the source – on their phone or tablet.

ERP connects your company

Cloud applications are rapidly replacing server-based technology. This means there is increased flexibility in how and where data is accessed. Traditionally, ERP applications could only be accessed through desktops or laptops. As employees and business partners work remotely, your applications must be accessible outside of the office.

Mobile ERP applications allow your employees and business partners to use their device of choice, whether it is a smartphone, tablet, or traditional laptop, to access data and ERP applications. Remote, 24/7 access keeps your company connected and productive. No more emails, phone calls, or pestering coworkers for information.

ERP supports data-driven decision making

To remain competitive, today’s organizations rely on data to make strategic decisions. When data is unavailable, people will make decisions based on old patterns that may not align with current business goals.

Mobile ERP systems allow users to go beyond department silos and review enterprise-wide information from sales, marketing, customer service, accounting, engineering and other key departments. Readily available, current information helps leaders make data-driven decisions from easily accessible data. Mobile ERP solutions helps companies break through inefficient silos that hide information, preventing the organization from reaching their goals.

Mobile ERP leverages cloud storage

Server-based technologies are rapidly being replaced by cloud-based solutions. As the number of those applications grows, organizations have access to new solutions and diverse insights. But behind these new apps is a robust backbone we all rely upon cloud storage.

Mobile ERP solutions allow users to access entire databases, transfer large files, and handle sensitive data – from a single device. Cloud storage means people are unencumbered by the volume of data and can focus on valuable insights and decision-making. Cloud storage takes away the headache of large quantities of data, providing the user with greater power and flexibility from their handheld device.

Mobile ERP applications are safe

Working from a smartphone brings new data security challenges. As you add mobile ERP to your portfolio of services, you’ll also have to address data and system security.

Protecting your data is paramount and password protection continues to be vital. Today’s mobile applications include password and security protocols, but companies must remain vigilant in using and monitoring user access.

Device security, in addition to data security, must be addressed. Since individuals are using their personal devices, it is important for the employer to register and monitor devices to detect potential system threats. A variety of these applications exist and should be discussed with your ERP implementation consultant.

Mobile ERP deployment considerations

Custom mobile app development – or off the shelf?

ERP solutions are as unique as the companies who use them. Some companies can use a plug and play mobile app that connects their people and accesses enterprise-wide applications. Other companies require a custom solution, one that meets their specific business goals. How do you know which one you will need?

With Uno Mobile App for Microsoft Dynamics, you can hook your existing Dynamics NAV, Dynamics 365 and Dynamics Business Central solution and get started immediately, supporting both Android and iOS systems. Its intuitive interface is easy to use and can be used both online and offline modes for maximum efficiency.

Some organizations want a more robust solution that is specific to their strategic objectives. That’s when you’ll need an experienced ERP consultant to help you design a holistic strategy that addresses all of you complex needs.

ERP implementation for eCommerce companies

Retail, perhaps more than any other industry, relies on real-time, accurate data to make data-driven decisions that directly impact profitability. Whether it’s a network of small storefronts or a global retail distribution system, it’s critical that all departments have visibility to enterprise-wide data.

Retailers and wholesalers often have a conglomeration of systems that feed into a cloud-based platform, which in turn, require an ERP integration plan. The complex nature and number of systems require an ERP integration plan before a mobile application is developed and deployed. Data accessibility is important, but data accuracy can only be achieved by efficiently and effectively integrating all systems.

Is mobile ERP right for your organization?

Captivix, a leader in ERP implementation and mobile ERP applications, can help you choose the right application for your enterprise. We offer the Uno Mobile App for Microsoft Dynamics or can consult with you on a custom application for your organization. Contact us here.

Rahul Maheshwary
Rahul Maheshwary

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