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STOP! And read this if you’re looking for a reliable cloud ERP solution.

If you are looking for an enterprise resource planning solution, chances are you are faced with a plethora of options to choose from. While every solution has its advantages, choosing a cloud-based ERP in 2020 is a no-brainer. A cloud ERP system is everything a conventional ERP is and then some more. It is capable of helping businesses reach another level of efficiency and productivity. While the decision to go for a cloud-based ERP is easy, it’s a solution offered by tech giants like Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, etc., and since they’re all great, it makes the decision-making a bit tricky. So here is how you can pick the right cloud ERP:.

Speak your language

Cloud ERP solutions are extremely powerful and great at functionalities like managing financials, HR, etc.; however, some solutions are better to work with when implemented in an industry-specific business. While choosing the right ERP, always make sure you do the required research about what will work best for you. The best way to make sure of this is to choose a partner who has industry-specific experience. Working with an experienced partner will make sure your implementation is smooth and quick. 

Easy to use

Business leaders have enough challenges when pursuing growth. The last thing you would want is a complicated ERP system. Choose an intuitive & easy-to-use ERP system that adds to your pursuit of success. Cloud ERPs are generally very easy to use and can be accessed remotely via mobile devices. This improves employee productivity and, subsequently, revenue growth. It is highly reliable and saves the hassle of backups; it is also more secure in comparison to ERP hosted on-premise. It doesn’t need any maintenance or on-premise upgrades, which means you will have fewer things & people to manage!

Ready for the future

Your new ERP solution should not only fit in the current IT environment of your business but should also be ready for the future. With the Internet of Things & Industry 4.0 being the buzzwords nowadays, it is absolutely essential for you to pre-empt what you will want to use in the future and whether your ERP will be compatible with your expansion ideas. Other than compatibility, your ERP should also be ready for the risks and challenges that you might face in the future. ERP implementation is not an everyday process and should bear fruit long after it is introduced in your business. 


Deploying an ERP system is a major decision for any business leader. It is a long-term commitment and is often complex. There are a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration. Like, what existing systems will your ERP connect with? What types of productivity increases or cost savings are you expecting? Unless your goals are defined before you begin, you won’t get the results you expect at project completion. If aligned with Digital Transformation, ERP will not just optimize business processes but will also drive more revenue and help capture new markets. The key is to identify a selection and implementation strategy that aligns with your business needs and reduces implementation time from a few months to a few weeks. Moreover, lower the total cost of ownership with essential core functionality using the agile methodology.

The answer is simple: look for a partner who is capable of helping you out with your selection process and is proactive with suggestions and solutions.


Captivix helps organizations select the most suitable ERP system and allows businesses to improve productivity while also helping the management ease into these IT developments.

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Rahul Maheshwary
Rahul Maheshwary

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