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Re-implementing VS Upgrade to Business Central

With technological advancement comes the responsibility to keep oneself updated. The ERP industry is no exception, and it changes rapidly with the advent of new tools crucial to your business. It is challenging to keep oneself up to the mark in this industry. At the same time, you are naïve to a newly implemented ERP version; the next version is released or undergoes development.

This clearly explains why many Microsoft Dynamics NAV users still stick to the older versions of NAV. It is always a tedious task to keep your ERP system updated, which will impact how your business functions and customers are served. It is essential to match this pace of change on a timely basis; otherwise, it could be a more complex, time-consuming, and costly affair for your company.

Upgrade or Re-implement

While there are two ways to migrate from the existing ERP version to a newer one, the best one is up to your discretion based on the current business problem and opportunities, resources, time, and monetary constraints. The first is upgrading, where the historical data and customizations are retrieved for the newer version. The second option is re-implementing, where the latest version is set with the master database and already-implemented customizations are developed from scratch.

Benefits of Upgrade Vs. Re-Implementation

Upgrading to the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV is more technical than re-implementation. The key benefits of upgrading are:

  1. Faster and more budget-friendly
  2. Lesser re-developments and re-definitions
  3. It works best with good-quality data and fewer ISV solutions

Re-implementation is a more business-needs-related alternative and can solve newer business challenges and opportunities existing in your organization. The key benefits of re-implementing are:

  1. Flexible and runs faster
  2. Can help in removing heavy, outdated customizations and replacing them with new customizations
  3. It can help businesses if the standard functionality of the latest release meets customer demands.
  4. Lesser risk of data corruption from previous poor-quality data

There is no best alternative, but there is always a better one among the two as per your current business requirements. Choosing one among these should be done diligently by evaluating certain factors, like:

  1. Database size and quality
  2. Budget and time constraints
  3. Downtime limitation
  4. Resources
  5. Customizations, functionalities, and ISV solutions

Certain questions about the decision of the best option should be always answered

  1. What is the current version of my ERP?
  2. What is the quality of my data, and how big is the database?
  3. Why do I need an upgrade/re-implementation?
  4. How many ISV solutions or third-party integrations are in my system, and does the target version support them?
  5. How heavy are my customizations, and do I need to retrieve them in the newer version?
  6. Will the standard functionality of the latest version meet my needs?

Once you have answers to these questions, it will be easier for you to decide which one is best for your business. So, keep your eyes open, evaluate all factors wisely, make an intelligent decision, and explore every nook and cranny of the latest Microsoft Dynamics NAV release.

Snehil Prakash
Snehil Prakash

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