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Leadership-driven Digital Transformation Strategy

“Assemble the leaders you need for a successful Digital Transformation.”
Rahul Maheshwary, CEO

Digital transformation (DT) initiatives will elevate your business model by building a solid digital core from which to scale. On a global scale, companies are using digital transformation approaches, combined with advanced technologies, to connect more easily with customers while streamlining processes and integrating business systems. The competitive advantages of such an approach can drive rapid results, from a change in business culture to better ways to serve your customers.

I’m CEO of Captivix, a leading digital transformation firm that helps companies become more successful by using digital technologies. We’ve worked with dozens of firms to transform their businesses using a proven framework that you can find out more about in our video series. Building a strategy is the first part of a DT transformation and you can find our unique approach by watching this video series.

Successful digital transformation requires a strategic framework that incorporates processes, technologies and the people impacted by them. Like other strategic projects, they are dependent upon company leaders to participate in the process. Engaging leaders in the DT process is critical for understanding unknown issues, overcoming political roadblocks, and contributing their expertise. But who should you invite to the table to participate in such a business-altering experience?

Critical Stakeholders in the Digital Transformation process

As a consultant to leading corporations, I see what happens when people have been brought together to craft a successful strategy – and what happens if someone is left behind. There are many times when a unilateral decision is made by operations, sales, or IT that results in frustrated employees and unhappy customers. The key is to bring those leaders to the table in advance so they can help craft a workable strategy that is well planned without any disruptive surprises.

Below are the key people who should participate in your Digital Transformation strategy planning process to avoid surprises and keep the project on track.

  1. Operational/Core business leader. For instance, if yours is a manufacturing business, this might be the head of operations. If you are a data analytics firm, you might consider a data scientist or VP of Data Engineering.
  2. Finance. You’ll need a clear understanding of the costs of your strategy, and buy in from your finance leaders.
  3. Technology – You will need digital-savvy leaders in the room, like a CTO or Chief Digital Officer. If you don’t already have them on your team, you may consider hiring someone.
  4. Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service.  These leaders will not only provide input on their department’s processes, but be advocates for your customers.
  5. Business Partners. Your Digital Transformation projects will impact people and organizations outside the four walls of your company. Suppliers, financial, logistics, and third party service providers may all provide key support to your efforts.

Leadership-driven strategy

These leaders bring their insights and subject matter expertise to the table, but are also entrusted to act as agents of change who must carry out the organization’s mission. For Digital Transformation projects, these leaders must come together to create strategy, but can only do so if they have a unified vision of the outcome.

As a Digital Transformation consultant, I help organizations create this vision. I start by using a simple Venn diagram to understand the ambitions of each of these leaders and identify where they agree on common outcomes. I find that these leaders and stakeholders will come together once they understand where digitization can make the biggest impact on the company, even though some ambitions may fall “outside the lines”.

Unifying leadership around a common vision is the first step to crafting a successful digital transformation strategy.

About Captivix

Captivix helps leading companies execute successful digital transformation strategies, providing expertise in ERP, Mobile, eCommerce, Web, and Data Intelligence. Our SPEC framework helps business leaders digitally transform their business using proven strategies. For more information on how you can use this framework for digital transformation,  by watching our Digital transformation video series.

Rahul Maheshwary
Rahul Maheshwary

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