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How to pick your Microsoft Dynamics Business Central/NAV partner.

ERP is one of the biggest technology investments that not only helps businesses operate efficiently but can also help generate more revenue. The process is often time-consuming, expensive, and a big commitment for any business. But, at the same time, it is extremely important, as it can be the deciding factor between success and failure. The road to a successful implementation of an ERP system begins with choosing the right partner. If the first step of the process is not carefully executed, the implementation runs the risk of being a complete failure. So, to help you, here are 5 things you should know before you pick your Microsoft Dynamics Business Central/NAV partner.


While the goal of every business is to implement Microsoft Dynamics Business Central, NAV is to increase revenue and maximize growth; every business is different from the other. With this difference in nature come differences in products, services, sales channels, logistics, accounting, taxation, etc. While choosing your ERP partner, you need to be sure of their experience in your industry. Working with a partner who has managed projects in your specific industry can turn out to be very beneficial, as they have complete knowledge of your requirements from past experiences. This allows a smooth process of implementation.

Technical Know-How

Microsoft Dynamics Business Central (NAV) is an extremely powerful ERP solution for any business. Irrespective of the scale of operations, it can fit any requirement due to its adaptability. Your partner should be completely aware of all its capabilities and how it can be implemented in your setup to best suit your needs. Your partner should be able to make the correct assessment and suggest the right modifications to cater to your needs without having to customize the system, which creates issues with upgrades and maintenance later.


Business leaders need to choose a Microsoft Dynamics Business Central or NAV partner that is more proactive than reactive. Other than providing complete training, the partner should also be very helpful and always proactively recommend solutions and modifications as per need. The partner should have the foresight and experience to be able to identify and resolve issues before they become business blockers. ERP is not an off-the-shelf, plug-and-play business solution. You should only choose a partner who is looking to make a stable business equation rather than trying to make a one-time sale. One cannot put a price on peace of mind. All ambitious leaders know that good technical support means they can have sound sleep at night!


As has been repeatedly mentioned before, implementing Microsoft Dynamics Business Central, or NAV, requires modifications & customizations as per your needs. Hence, it is extremely necessary to make sure you don’t end up with someone who is trying to overcharge you for every little modification. While modifications can cost a lot and can’t be avoided if it is a business requirement, look for partners that are honest and are aligned with your idea of growth. Work with partners who are looking to provide a holistic solution to problems rather than doing patchwork and quick fixes. The former approach might appear to be expensive in the beginning but is surely more cost-effective.


Finally, it’s very important to find out beforehand about the process of implementation partner will use. This process will eventually make all the difference in the success of the ERP implementation. The best possible way to do it is by using the AGILE methodology. It includes a complete diagnostic and an analysis to identify high-level gaps; this helps in identifying the requirements of the business and generates a gateway for the implementation. The second step involves implementing the core features and out-of-the-box solutions. The solution is then customized for gaps according to the business process. The final step is to iterate and evolve as needs arise in the business process.

Are you looking for an ERP implementation? Or, are you dissatisfied with your current partner and looking for better support?

Captivix helps organizations select the right ERP system to connect their organization and improve productivity while easing the cultural changes required to not just implement but also adopt the new software throughout their enterprise and ensure a smooth transition in case of a partner change.

Snehil Prakash
Snehil Prakash

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