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Building Front End Applications Exactly to Specifications

HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript are the three main building blocks of a modern and functional website. HTML5 and CSS3 provides many features for creating modern websites that are not only visually appealing but are also highly functional and user friendly. With Javascript, developers can make websites more interactive and add animations or visual effects.

For best results, all the creative assets should be provided by the design team with clear communication about what is expected before a developer start writing any code. Below are some of the points that needs to be kept in mind while the information is transferred from design team to development team.

  1. All the original creative files (PSD, AI) should be provided
  2. Annotated wireframes or interactive wireframes to depict functionality
  3. Font files used (if these are not standard fonts found in user’s machine)
  4. A style sheet mentioning all the information related to font, color and dimensions
  5. If the web page is responsive, all these information should be divided by device type

Creating the web page

When a developer has access to all creative assets and other required info, the first thing to do is to divide the design into logical sections and then construct those sections of the web page through HTML. New tags in HTML5 such as <header>,  <footer>,  <section> and <nav> allow developers to define the structure of a web page and its content in a better way. Other tags like <audio> and <video> provides multimedia support.Another important aspect of creating the web page is to make sure the user experience is consistent across platforms. Guidelines provided by HTML5 are followed by all the modern browsers. This means that web pages will look consistent across browsers in all the platforms. This also means that designers can focus their time/efforts on creating great website designs and not worry about if a certain parts of their design will render properly on all the browsers.

After defining the logical structure to the web page developers use CSS to give web page its actual look and feel. How each section/component will look is defined by CSS using properties for font, color, size and position.CSS3 introduced many new properties to make website more visually appealing. Some tags such as border-radius, box-shadow, text-shadow, text-outline, text-stroke, background-size are very userful.

Perhaps the most exciting addition to CSS3 is the ability to apply animations to elements, without the use of JavaScript using @keyframes and transition property.
The @font-face property can be used to access fonts that are not installed on the user’s system. This allows developers to accurately implement the fonts used by designer.

Modern website try to deliver a unique experience to users on different device type (PC, tablet, smartphone etc.). Media queries in CSS3 help developers with this. Media queries in CSS3 extend the CSS2 media types idea: Instead of looking for a type of device, they look at the capability of the device. Using media queries are a popular technique for delivering responsive websites.

After a developer is done creating the look and feel of the website, it is time to add some interactivity to the page. Javascript plays a very important role in making your website interactive for users. Javascript is used in online form validation, playing multimedia files, image galleries, and sliders, and applying effects to images such as zoom, flip, rotate, and crop.

On the other hand Javascript can be used to create animation and visual effects on a web page that adds to the appeal of a great design.

Javascript is also used to embed third-party components to a web page to introduce additional capabilities such as survey forms, google maps, charts/graphs, videos, page level analytics etc.

The modern web has come a long way for both users and developers. Tools such as HTML5, CSS and JavaScript provide powerful frameworks for creating websites that powerfully express a brand’s identity through an individualized and unique user experience.

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